Sexual Insecurity in Men

Fit attractive man sitting on the beach filled with anxiety and sexual uncertainty.

Penis Fallacies and Realities

Men, particularly younger guys, have a common fear when they book in for a Manzilian Wax. Penis size.

New guy arrives at my shop. I steer him into the waxing room. He drops his jocks timidly then looks up at me. I am his guru, his wise mentor, the ultimate authority, whose task it is to guide him through this perilous new world of waxing.

"Will it make my dick look bigger," he squeaks, "or smaller?"

His eyes dart awkwardly, his cheeks are flushed. He's worried I'm about to laugh at the size of his appendage, nestled betwixt his pubes.

"It's a good dick, mate, don't worry."
His joyous reply is an octave higher, his relief complete and pure.

Manhood, a lost concept

With all the hype about penis enlargements, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation, it's no wonder that guys today are sexually insecure like never before.

Men's Brazilian Waxing a.k.a Manzilian waxing at Man Thing, Rockhampton
Male Brazilian Waxing Rockhampton

It started a few decades ago, in Australia at least, with the slow insidious seeping of prudish American values via TV, politics, religion, and magazines, particularly in regard to male modesty.

The message was every clear. Men should be ashamed of their bodies and cover everything up.

This attitude was diametrically opposed to Australia's culture of the day.

"It's hot. We live beside the pool and on the beach. Wear as little as possible. Just cover up the vitals."

Australian men wore Speedos. 'Togs' as they were commonly called. We invented them a hundred years before. They were ubiquitous. The idea of wearing shorts to go swimming was mental.

In fact, I remember my primary school coach warning us to never trust men at the pool who wore shorts. If they were really there to go swimming, they'd wear togs. Only dirty old men wore shorts at the pool, so they could fool stupid kids into checking their pockets for candy.

So here we are today. That logic has been turned on its head. Apparently, togs are regarded as fetish wear now, rather than logical streamlined attire for swimming.

Meanwhile, modern men are sad, lonely, infantised, medicated, ashamed, insecure, and constantly begging for validation. Thank God for progress, hey?

Screw that. I'm Gen X. I remain a real man, and I don't give a sh*t about your feelings. So, get your arse of the grass. It's time to cut through all this sexually repressed hype.

Here are some hard facts I've gleaned from years of ripping pubes out of men's gonads and chatting away while I do it.

Genital Behaviour

Penis Dimensions

Improving your sex life

The vast majority of what you read on the subject of penis size, erectile dysfunction and so forth - written by supposed experts (they are always doctors or professors) - is hype.

These people have something to sell. They want you to feel bad about yourself so you pay good money to fix an often non-existent problem. Here is my collection of tips you might like to try.

Further reading: